Hello there, I’m Olivia Sterling.

Olivia Sterling Portrait - Monetary Maestro

Friends and associates often playfully refer to me as the “Monetary Maestro,” and the nickname seems to have stuck. I’ve always had a passion for the intricate balance of numbers and the ever-evolving world of financial advice. My journey in banking has been more than just a career—it’s been a pursuit of mastering the art of financial management.

What sets me apart, I believe, is my ability to make the complex seem approachable for anyone. Finance can be intimidating for many, but I’ve made it my mission to break down those barriers. Whether it’s helping a client understand investment strategies or offering advice on budgeting, I approach each situation with a blend of expertise and a friendly touch. My specialty is helping people understand bad credit – and more importantly how to fix it.

I take the time to understand the unique goals and dreams behind each financial decision. It’s not just about balancing budgets and offering credit advice – it’s about helping individuals and families achieve their dreams regardless of their credit score.

This blog is a safe space for financial guidance. Known for my relaxed style and a knack for building trust, I’m your friendly expert. I see beyond a 3-digit credit score – I see endless possibilities that open up when you take an interest to better yourself and financial future. I’m also very open to trying new things and new technology. I believe that technology can be an incredible tool for helping people achieve their goals.

Beyond this blog and my career, I savor life’s simple pleasures. I believe in balance, embracing relaxation and trust as guiding principles. To relax, I enjoy escaping the modern world and going away for a weekend of quiet reflection and an occasional shopping trip. My favorite stores, believe it or not, are TJ Maxx & Kohls.

Drop me a comment on Facebook or on one of the articles! Welcome!

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